
12:25. Seats

Removal and installation

Front seats
1. Unscrew the screw of fastening of a back part of external finishing of a seat (a photo at the left) and remove finishing up (a photo on the right).
2. Unscrew a bolt of fastening of a seat belt to the lower part of a front seat.
3. Shift a front seat against the stop forward, unscrew screws of back fastening of a sled to a car floor.
4. Shift a front seat against the stop back. Unscrew bolts of fastening of a forward part of a sled to a floor.
5. Raise a seat and disconnect the electric socket from the seat belt tension mechanism. In the presence remove electric motors.
Back sitting (models with the developing back seat)
6. Remove rubber caps (it is specified by an arrow) from racks of installation of a pillow of a seat and unscrew fastening nuts.
7. Shift a seat pillow forward and raise it to disconnect clamps of a back part of a seat. Take a pillow of a back seat from the car.
8. For removal of side pillows unscrew a fastening bolt in the pillow basis.
9. Take a side pillow from the car up.
10. To remove a back of a back seat on models with separate backs, remove percussion caps (are specified by shooters a photo at the left) fastenings of a forward part of a carpet of the luggage compartment to a floor and turn off a carpet for access to bolts (are specified by shooters a photo on the right) fastenings of the central part of a seat back.
11. Unscrew bolts of fastening of backs of a back seat to a body of the car and take them.
12. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal.